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Friday Morning 84: How to Never Run Out of Ideas

Tubudd's Friday Morning 84 featured an inspiring session with Mr. Pham Dang Thanh, the youthful and dynamic founder of DrippyIceT. At just 21 years old, Thanh has already amassed three years of experience in content creation and has established a notable presence in the jewelry industry in Hanoi. His brand, DrippyIceT, specializes in intricate designs involving gold, silver, gemstones, and custom grillz. Known for his fun and humorous demeanor, Thanh stands out as a vibrant and insightful creator, making him the youngest guest speaker to ever participate in Tubudd’s event series.

1. What is Creativity and Why Does Everyone Need to Be Creative?

Thanh began by exploring the concept of creativity, defining it as the ability to generate new, unique, and valuable ideas or to combine existing elements in novel ways. He underscored the universal need for creativity, pointing out its significance in various aspects of life and work.

Why is Creativity Necessary?

Creativity enables individuals to find new and faster solutions to problems, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in both personal and professional contexts.

In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements and artificial intelligence, creativity remains a uniquely human trait that machines cannot replicate. It provides a competitive edge and distinguishes individuals in their fields.

Life Enrichment:
Creativity infuses life with novelty and excitement, making it more enjoyable and fulfilling. Engaging in creative activities can lead to greater happiness and personal satisfaction.

2. Problems Encountered When Creating

Despite its importance, creativity is often fraught with challenges. Thanh identified several common issues that individuals face when trying to be creative:

Idea Block:
A frequent problem where individuals find themselves unable to generate new or special ideas, leading to creative stagnation.

Initiation Difficulties:
Struggling to determine where to start can hinder the creative process.

Overabundance of Ideas:
Having too many ideas can be overwhelming and can lead to a lack of focus and direction.

Creativity Threshold:
Uncertainty about the adequacy of one's creative efforts—how much creativity is enough?

Effectiveness Measurement:
Difficulty in measuring the success and impact of creative endeavors.

Facing failure despite creative efforts can be discouraging.

Motivation Loss:
Losing the drive to continue being creative can halt progress.

Feeling unsuitable for creative tasks can undermine confidence and hinder creative output.

Friday Morning 84: Thanh Drippy Ice
Friday Morning 84: Thanh Drippy Ice

3. Solutions to Creative Problems

Thanh provided a range of solutions to overcome these common creative challenges:

3.1 Changing Perceptions About Creativity:

It's crucial to eliminate the mindset that "creativity is not for me." Everyone has the potential to be creative.

Embrace and have fun with ideas. Creativity should be an enjoyable process, not a burdensome task.

3.2 Curiosity:

New Perspectives:
Constantly seek new viewpoints and ideas. This can involve exploring different fields, learning new skills, or simply changing routines.

Habit Change:
Engage in activities that differ from your usual habits to stimulate new ways of thinking and seeing the world.

3.3 Bravery:

Courage to Take Action:
Dare to implement new ideas, even if they seem unrealistic or impractical. Being brave enough to try new things can lead to groundbreaking innovations.

3.4 Creative Techniques:

Thanh suggested several creative technique that can help you practice creating:


Brainstorming is a method to generate a large number of ideas in a short time, encouraging free thinking and the removal of constraints.

Mind Mapping:

Mind mapping is a visual tool to organize thoughts and ideas, showing the relationships between different concepts.

SCAMPER Technique:

This is a structured approach to creativity that involves seven strategies: •

Change components or elements in existing things.

Merge different ideas to create something new.

Alter the use or purpose of something, such as repurposing an SD card.

Change the shape, size, or function of something.

Put to Another Use:
Repurpose an existing idea or object.

Remove unnecessary elements to simplify or improve.

Change the position or direction of something to see it from a new angle.

By taking an example of creating a new use for pencils using the SCAMPER technique, Thanh easily illustrated how you can create new values just by altering each element of an original idea.

4. How to Never Run Out of Ideas

Thanh concluded his talk with strategies on how to maintain a steady flow of ideas. He likened idea generation to cooking, where different ingredients, tools, and methods can create a variety of dishes. Similarly, by altering the inputs to the creative process, one can continually generate new ideas.

Key Strategies:
Diverse Inputs:
Continuously seek out new experiences, knowledge, and perspectives. The more diverse the input, the more varied and innovative the output.

Continuous Cultivation:
Regularly engage with new information and experiences to keep the mind stimulated and receptive to new ideas.

Courage and Joy:
Maintain the courage to experiment with new ideas and find joy in the creative process. Viewing creativity as a playful and enjoyable activity can help sustain motivation and inspiration.

By implementing these strategies, Thanh assured that ideas will never run out. The essence of creativity lies in the constant cultivation of new inputs, the bravery to try new things, and the enjoyment of the creative journey.

Friday Morning 84: How to Never Run Out of Ideas
Friday Morning 84: How to Never Run Out of Ideas

This session provided attendees with valuable insights into the nature of creativity and practical solutions for overcoming creative challenges. Thanh's dynamic approach and youthful perspective made the discussion both enlightening and engaging, offering a fresh take on maintaining a perpetual flow of creative ideas.

Stay tuned for the next insightful Friday Morning Sharing session with Tubudd!


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