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Friday Morning 85: Create the Tubudd mascot

Last Friday, Tubudd's "Friday Morning" series hosted an engaging and creative workshop featuring Viet Dang, our service product manager. The session revolved around an innovative workshop: Creating a Tubudd mascot. This session was both educational and interactive, offering participants a unique experience of combining creativity with advanced AI technology.

Introducing the Tools: Behindthename.com and Leonardo.AI

The workshop kicked off with an introduction to the tools that would be used in the mascot creation process. Behindthename.com, a website known for generating random names, and Leonardo.AI, an advanced AI technology for creating detailed images.

Participants were divided into two teams, each tasked with creating a unique mascot. The first step was to select a name for their mascot using Behindthename.com. After much deliberation, the teams came up with two names: Alek and Riley.

Step-by-Step Mascot Creation with Leonardo.AI

With names in hand, Viet Dang introduced Leonardo.AI, explaining how the technology works to generate detailed and lifelike images. Each team then proceeded to input detailed descriptions of their mascots, specifying attributes such as appearance, composition, colors, and lighting. The goal was to create a vivid and representative mascot for Tubudd.

Once the initial images were generated, each team selected their preferred mascot design. They then refined their choices by adding more background details to make the mascots even more meaningful and aligned with Tubudd's values and mission.

The Final Results

Riley: The Industrious Bee
Riley: The Industrious Bee

Riley: The Industrious Bee
Riley, inspired by the bee mascot of Manchester, pays homage to the city where Tubudd's concept first took root. Historically, Manchester, known as an industrial hub with numerous factories, was often referred to as a hive of activity. Workers, akin to bees, were seen as industrious and collaborative. In 2016, during Tubudd's inception in Manchester, the bee symbol emerged as a representation of unity and resilience, especially following the tragic bombing at the Ariana Grande concert. The bee, a silent hero contributing to the planet’s health, mirrors the role of local buddies at Tubudd—unsung heroes ensuring memorable and enriching travel experiences for clients.

Alek: The Charming Ladybug
Alek: The Charming Ladybug

Alek: The Charming Ladybug
Alek, a charming ladybug, symbolizes protection and resilience amidst fertile fields. Known as a guardian of crops, the ladybug is celebrated for its role in safeguarding the environment. Alek, though small and endearing, embodies strength and diligence, tirelessly working alone to protect its habitat.

This narrative aligns beautifully with the ethos of Tubudd's local buddies, who, like the ladybug, act as protectors and guides for travelers. They navigate cross-country journeys with flexibility, independence, and charm, ensuring that clients have safe and delightful travel experiences.

By leveraging the power of Leonardo.AI and embracing collaborative creativity, Tubudd continues to push the boundaries of innovation, reinforcing its commitment to delivering unique and meaningful travel experiences.

Friday Morning 85: Create the Tubudd mascot
Friday Morning 85: Create the Tubudd mascot


➖ Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

➖ Instagram: @yourtubudd

➖ Tiktok: @yourtubudd_

➖ Hotline: +84 896 684 588

Our services included:

➖ Local buddies: https://www.facebook.com/tubudd

➖ Visa: https://www.facebook.com/tubuddvisa/

➖ Transportation

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